понедельник, 18 февраля 2019 г.

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Dictionary / Wörterbuch (BEOLINGUS, TU Chemnitz)

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When I went out there , I was a pipe smoker. He was known to be a very heavy smoker. Another effect of the job was that I 'd become a heavy smoker. Ihr könntet uns mal helfen. Thus , for both pharmacological and psychological reasons many smokers experience difficulty in giving up the habit.

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EurLex-2 en Subject to section 4. Meyerowitz, in fact, is currently head of a lab at Cambridge. Elliot and I had complementary interests and were able to organize a field around the Arabidopsis. Let's not be so loud. Learn how major law firms express legal terms in French, Spanish, and German. He had been a lifelong cigarette smoker , but switched to cigars after his strokes.


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The newer studies , which exclude passive smokers from the control group , generally show elevated risks associated with active as well as passive smoking. Since then , the number of smokers has been reduced by one quarter. This latter was especially hard on such a crowd of inveterate smokers. Frau Chauchat, würden Sie mir bitte Ihren Bleistift leihen? They are regular and follow a rule. Smokers also have lower levels of some B vitamins.

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Altered regional blood volume in chronic cannabis smokers. Don't roast the meat too long! The uncommitted funds from Balzan were essential life savers. The view that polonium 210 is responsible for many cases of cancer in tobacco smokers is disputed by at least one researcher. In order to get a government grant however, you typically need to show proven results, so it can be difficult to garner funds to study an idea. Ursulas Bruder arbeitet in der Werbebranche. Launch a targeted web search for translations and choose the best solution.

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So musste ich, wenn ich mich irrte, nicht lange nach dem Grund suchen. He was appointed Inaugural Director of the Sainsbury Laboratory and elected into a Professorship in the University, and a Professorial Fellowship at Trinity College while on leave from the California Institute of Technology. I'd like a Döner without sauce. Geben Sie mir das Buch! Ergänzen Sie die im Deutsch-Englisch Collins Wörterbuch enthaltene Übersetzung des Wortes Grund suchen. However , results from at least three studies suggest that heavy alcohol consumption may increase the risk of stomach cancer in heavy smokers. The Balzan prize, on the other hand, has no such requirements.


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Werbefläche Nf Reklamefläche Nf direct mail advertising n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. This class of compounds had previously been suggested to act as primers for cellulose synthesis. He 's still as much a chain smoker as before. But then we created a computational model that uses the computer to create advanced developmental models». Well, just take a look at that! I'd like the large breakfast. English Forum Join our to discuss special questions about the English language. Whatever your field, always find the expert's translation.

Dictionary / Wörterbuch (BEOLINGUS, TU Chemnitz)

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Opium joint , a low resort of opium smokers. What have we got here? Kannst du mir mal helfen? The Imperative Mood in English: The imperative mood is used to express commands. Here the implication is that the speaker can't or won't perform the action: Mach du es! Reverso Übersetzungswörterbuch Deutsch-Englisch, um Grund suchen und viel andere Wörter zu übersetzen. Take care of that as quickly as you can! Take a look at that! It is a day when smokers quit smoking for at least a day. Seien Sie mir nicht böse. They investigated the shoot apical meristem and the involvement of plant hormones auxin and cytokinin in the control of cell expansion, division and gene expression, and therefore, the contribution of these growth hormones to the interaction of physical and chemical signaling that controls meristem cell behavior. With millions of reliable translations, discovering new cultures is now easier than ever before.


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We spoke with Elliot Somerville about his research projects and the Balzan Prize: Somerville concurred with Meyerowitz about the importance of the Balzan Prize monies and how they have helped further his research: « A lot of the grant making process is very conservative. Balzan funds were also used by Professor Somerville to support then postdoctoral fellow Seth DeBolt who investigated the involvement of sterol glycosides in cellulose synthesis. Marcus Heisler, a pioneer of the new live imaging method. Have you been in Cagayan? «The Balzan prize afforded me intellectual freedom to pursue research in an area that will help show how stem cells communicate with one another in plants. For that reason we are looking for equivalent alternatives. Under the sea , hydrothermal vents may form features called black smokers.

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